A common feature in the lowland areas of worlds with a great deal of precipitation, bogs are hazardous terrain for heavy vehicles, like Titans, who get mired in the sucking mud.
Because of this, this type of terrain is often used offensively, with Riders baiting enemy Titans onto the deceptively solid ground, where they literally get 'bogged down.'

Angus had been harrassing the Punk across the battlefield for over an hour, the 1MP-666 easily keeping pace with the slower enemy titan, pecking away at it one shot at a time. He managed to give Angus the slip for a moment, but then, there he was, standing still on the other side of a sodden field.
The Punk Titan gave him the old two-fingered salute with one metal hand, while signing 'wanker' with the other. Angus, who had a notoriously short fuse, urged his 1MP-666 forward at full speed, enraged and ready to make the Punk pay.
He only made it halfway across the field when his Imp started to slow, and then sink into the sodden ground.
On the other side of the bog, the loudspeakers of the B45-T4RD blared with laughter. The rider shot out a short retort, "Stupid sod, stuck in the sod!" before moving off to claim his objective without pursuit...

As an Activation, Sid Rotten Readies a Bog into Angus Bon Scott's HUD. On Angus' next Activation, he decides to take the Maneuver action, and Tests his Ride skill of 1. He rolls a single D6 and the Rocktagon, and scores a 2(R) and 3. His Speed is now equal to the number of successes, a fat 0, so he cannot Maneuver at all and keeps the Bog card in his HUD.
On the next Activation, he tries again, and this time scores a 5 and 6(R). With two successes he has a Speed of 2, and successfully moves out of the Bog, Rolling the Bog card in the process...

Q: If I roll a number of successes greater than my Speed, so I get extra movement?
A: No.

Q: Do I get to Roll the Bog if I score a 0 Speed?
A: No. See example, above.

Image from Pixnio (Public Domain)
