Many ancient texts were lost during the Thousand Psychic Wars, and many more are banned as heretical by certain Schools of Rock to this day, due to opposing views on metalocity (getting caught with a Nazarite Bible in Sabbathite space, for example, is a good way to get yourself literally crucified). 

There is one text that has survived over three and a half millennia, and is revered by every Metalhead and Warlord, in every School across the Metalsphere: The Art of War. But in the 31st century, even that book is a subject of great controversy, as the name of the original author has been lost, and every school claims authorship by one of their ancient heroes: the Nazarites claim is was dictated by the Archangel Michael to a war prophet during the Great Tribulation, the Sabbathites claim it was gifted to the Great Ozz by a daemon during that same period, and the Kurgan, whose school is heavily based on its principles, claim it was written by The Panther Lord, himself.

The Art of War has this to say on high places:

+ All armies prefer high ground to low, and sunny places to dark.

+ Camp in high places, facing the sun.

+ Country in which there are precipitous cliffs... should be left with all possible speed and not approached.

As such, the cunning Rider seeks to occupy the highest ground possible, in order to gain offensive and defensive advantage over their enemy. Cliffs offer Titans a great vantage point from which to observe their enemy and snipe at them, while providing cover from the same from lower ground, and presenting an foreboding obstacle for those wishing to engage them in shredding duels.

The thrusters of the band of M3T-C0MND0 Titans blew up a cloud of dust, as they descended out of the sun, and lit onto the towering plateau that overlooked the hilly valley of Nagasake, below. Jason Fox and his elite unit had spent days slowly working their way behind the enemy lines to take this position.

For a week, the Sabbathites had been successfully using the hills in the valley as a defensive position against the attacking Nazarite forces approaching from the lower plains, south of the town. It was as the Prophet Nathaniel had written, that those who hold the high ground would, by the strength of their position, prevail. But the heretics, wallowing in the dark, failed to realize the precariousness of their position. For did not the prophet also say that one should raise their tent in the high places facing the sun? Truly, their position was but a pit of despair compared to the high ground the warriors of God now commanded. 

The band opened up, raining fire from the heavens onto the forces below, who now lamented at their sudden lack of cover...

Jason Fox, in his M3T-C0MND0 Commando, having already used his Titan's Edge card, and his Thrusters earlier in this Clash, uses a Maneuver Action to Ready a Cliff into his HUD.

Because his Thrusters are Rocked, he must make a Ride (2) + Barbarian (0) test against a PL of 5+ to Ready the Terrain Card. He picks up 2D6 + the Rocktohedron and rolls, getting a 2, 5, and 6(R). He succeeds, and places the card in his HUD.

During his next Activation he Rocks the Cliff and fires upon a Sabbathite with three Hills in his HUD. The Sabbathite cannot use his Hills to Block, and must take the attack without the benefits of cover.

The Sabbathite returns fire in his Activation. After Deflection, there is two damage outstanding, but Jason has Cover 2 from his Rocked Cliff, and rolls two cover dice. He rolls 2D6 + the Rocktohedron and score a 2, 3 (R), and a 5, for a single success. As the Cliff has Hard Cover, he rerolls the 2 and 3, getting a 4 and 6 in their place. That's two successes, which negate the remaining two damage.

In the next Clash, the Sabbathite fires on Jason again. Jason, his Cliff Readied during the Reset Systems Phase, Rocks it, yet again, this time to Block LOS to the attacker before he fires. The Sabbathite's Activation is cancelled, but now Jason has no LOS to him, either.

The Sabbathite, taking advantage of the momentary reprieve from fire, Maneuvers into Jason's Zone to engage him in Shred combat. During the ensuing combat, however, he does not gain any bonuses from the Cliff card, even though the rules normally state that both close combatants share the bonuses from any Terrain in their HUDs. This gives Jason a distinct advantage...

Q: When I Rock the card for Blocking, do I also get the Cover and LOS bonuses?
A: No, you get either Blocking without the other bonuses OR you get Hard Cover with the other bonuses.

Image from Icon0dotCom @ Pexels (Public Domain)
